Thursday, December 19, 2019

Gandhi Different varieties of Pacifism Essay - 1334 Words

amp;#65279;Gandhian Pacifism nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Pacifism is opposition to the practice of war. Many pacifists have a commitment to non-violence in general in society, making a commitment to achieving ones goals only through actively non-violent resistance or non-aggressive means. Among these pacifists, there may also be differing views as to what constitutes violence. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are several different varieties of pacifism including those who believe killing is always wrong, those who believe that any kind of violence is wrong, those who argue that personal violence is always wrong but political violence is sometimes right, and those who justify some person†¦show more content†¦They may have even decided to continue attacking our country because we would seem to be weak and an easy target, had we not protected ourselves and taken a stand. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One writer, Douglas P. Lackey, tries to understand what Gandhi is trying to say about peace and nonviolence. He states that Gandhi believes â€Å"By acting nonviolently, pacifists not only purify their own souls but also transform the souls of their opponents†(160). This was known as the â€Å"sacredness of life† defense, which basically believed that by sacrificing one life many could be saved, but Gandhi feels that this still does not save souls. If people are being saved but through violence then nobody is really saving their souls (160). He believed that the killer would be perverted by this act, and it would remain on his soul. Lackey examines this in another sense. â€Å"The system of values professed be Gandhi must be kept in mind when considering the frequent accusations that nonviolence alone does not work†(161). The practice of nonviolence did not prevent previous wars from occurring. On the other hand, â€Å"the soul of the satyagrahi will be strengthened and purified by nonviolent struggles, and in this purification the Gandhian pacifist can obtain spiritual victory even in the face of political defeat†(161). So basically speaking we should let our enemies suffer the ultimate consequence of carrying thisShow MoreRelatedChristian Teachings Concerning Racism3045 Words   |  13 Pagesof someones skin. Many of these attacks were not reported to the police. The reported racist attacks rose 107%3 in 2000. Beatings, firebombing, and excrement pushed through letterboxes, are just some of the actions that having a different colour of skin can lead to. Government figures and statistics show that people from ethinic minorities are more likely to have a worse experience in the criminal justice system and that 43% 1 of the people that the government surveyedRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageswere almost invariably lives of drudge labor in urban sweatshops, on tropical plantations, or on the wharves of an expansive, global export economy. Throughout the century, advances in human rights, which were spread ever more broadly among different social groups—including women, laborers, INTRODUCTION †¢ 3 ethnic minorities, and gays—made strides that were perhaps greater than all of those achieved in previous history combined. During the same time span, however, state tyranny

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